Tag: Trattamento

Sindrome da Conflitto della Spalla: gli interventi conservativi

18 Aprile 2024 By fabriziofly Non attivi

Effectiveness of conservative interventions including exercise, manual therapy and medical management in adults with shoulder impingement: a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs Abstract Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of conservative interventions for pain, function and range of motion in adults with shoulder impingement. Design:…

Trattamenti non chirurgici per la Tendinopatia Achillea Inserzionale

17 Aprile 2024 By fabriziofly Non attivi

Nonsurgical Treatment Options for Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy Abstract Most nonoperative treatments for insertional Achilles tendinopathy (IAT) have insufficient evidence to support treatment recommendations. Exercise has the highest level of evidence supporting the ability of this treatment option to reduce IAT pain. The effects of exercise…